Q: How do you tell the difference between a walrus and an orange?
A: Put your arms around it and squeeze it. If you don't get orange juice, it's a walrus
So do you think if you squeezed David Lindsay's bike you would get orange juice? It ain't half bright! In fairness to the bold boy he was up there last night as the strongest rider, although he was up against two lemons so to speak.
Voekler, Voigts and DL, let's call him Dan as in Dan Lloyd or just DL for short.
The two V's left alone in anticipation of a gentle frolick as le petite blanc was feeling tired, a diet of lettuce and exercise is not good for cycling. Passing through the suburb of Renfrew we felt the presence of the orange one astride his steed. Light issues had meant that the two V's had dediced to curtail the ride and head over the hill towards Langbank. Had DL been there from the start an alternative route may have been planned due to the luminous nature of the frame, alas we continued with the original route with the rouleour being slightly unhappy.
DL won the climb, Voeckler a close second and Voigts was again left considering his addiction to food.
Gravity soon assisted Voigts on the run into Houston and he dragged them kicking and screaming down the hill. Houston was upon us and with it the run in on the George. Through and off until the small rise when 3 became 2, the final 2 worked efficiently towards the finish line with Dan taking the tape by a chin....
Homeward bound the tailwind carried us along as we rode off home into the sunset.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Monday, 12 September 2011
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
The lost art of the group ride...
This was lifted from the following site:-
A lot of what is says will resonate with a few people and there will also be a few who see themselves in there, me included! Still got a bit to learn.
Every so often, I’ll ride a recreational group ride. I love the comraderie of cyclists, the talk, the last minute pumps of air, the clicking in, and the easy drifting out as a peloton. “I miss riding in a group,” I’ll think to myself.http://carolinacyclingnews.com/2011/09/01/lost-art-of-the-group-ride/
A lot of what is says will resonate with a few people and there will also be a few who see themselves in there, me included! Still got a bit to learn.
The magic ends by mile 10. The group will surge, gap, and separate, only to regroup at every stop sign. I’ll hear fifteen repeated screams of “HOLE!” for every minor road imperfection. And then no mention of the actual hole. Some guy in front will set a PB for his 30 second pull. Wheels overlap, brakes are tapped, and some guy/girl in the back will go across the white line and speed past the peloton for no apparent reason. A breakaway?!
I curse under my breath, remembering why I always ride with only a few friends. Doesn’t anyone else realize how dangerous this ride is? How bad it is for our reputation on the road? There are clear rules of ride etiquette, safety, and common sense. Does anyone here know the rules? Who is in charge?
But no one is in charge, and the chaotic group has no idea of how to ride together. As a bike lawyer, I get the complaints from irritated drivers, concerned police, controversy-seeking journalists, and injured cyclists. It needs to get better, but the obstacles are real:
First, everyone is an expert these days. The internet and a power meter do not replace 50,000 miles of experience, but try telling that to a fit forty year-old, new to cycling, on a $5000 bike. Or, god forbid, a triathlete. No one wants to be told what to do.
Second, the more experienced riders just want to drop the others and not be bothered. It is all about the workout, the ego boost, or riding with a subset of friends. But a group ride is neither a race nor cycling Darwinism. As riders get better, they seek to distinguish themselves by riding faster on more trendy bikes; but as riders get better they need to realize two things: 1) there is always someone faster, and 2) they have obligations as leaders. Cycling is not a never ending ladder, each step aspiring upwards, casting aspersions down. It is a club, and we should want to expand and improve our membership.
Third, different rides are advertised by average speed, but speed is only one part of the equation. This approach makes speed the sole metric for judging a cyclist, and creates the false impression that a fit rider is a good one. Almost anyone can be somewhat fast on a bike, but few learn to be elegant, graceful cyclists.
Fourth, riding a bike well requires technique training. Good swimmers, for example, constantly work on form and drills; so should cyclists. Anyone remember the C.O.N.I. Manual or Eddie Borysewich’s book? They are out-of-print, but their traditional approach to bike technique should not be lost. More emphasis was given on fluid pedaling and bike handling.
Before the internet, before custom bikes, and before Lance, it was done better. Learning to ride was an apprenticeship. The goal was to become a member of the peloton, not merely a guy who is sort of fast on a bike. Membership was the point, not to be the local Cat. 5 champ. You were invited to go on group ride if you showed a interest and a willingness to learn. You were uninvited if you did not. You learned the skills from directly from the leader, who took an interest in riding next to you on your first rides (and not next to his friends, like better riders do today). Here is some of what you learned:
To ride for months each year in the small ring.
To take your cycling shorts off immediately after a ride.
To start with a humble bike, probably used.
To pull without surging.
To run rotating pace line drills and flick others through.
To form an echelon.
To ride through the top of a climb.
To hold your line in a corner.
To stand up smoothly and not throw your bike back.
To give the person ahead of you on a climb a little more room to stand up.
To respect the yellow line rule.
To point out significant road problems.
To brake less, especially in a pace line.
To follow the wheel in front and not overlap.
To take your cycling shorts off immediately after a ride.
To start with a humble bike, probably used.
To pull without surging.
To run rotating pace line drills and flick others through.
To form an echelon.
To ride through the top of a climb.
To hold your line in a corner.
To stand up smoothly and not throw your bike back.
To give the person ahead of you on a climb a little more room to stand up.
To respect the yellow line rule.
To point out significant road problems.
To brake less, especially in a pace line.
To follow the wheel in front and not overlap.
The ride leader and his lieutentants were serious about their roles, because the safety of the group depended on you, the weakest link. If you did not follow the rules, you were chastised. Harshly. If you did, you became a member of something spectacular. The Peloton.
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Rain, what rain???
You couldn't see the rain for the rain last night. Voigts turned up and sat in hope that no one else would appear and he could ride the fantasy ride he has been dreaming about but alas other cars started pulling up, mostly to go to Burger King it transpired. Pooley appeared on a bike and Louise from the later bunch. This had potential to develop into a whole different other kind of fantasy.....
Pooley was straight in there admiring Louise's daisy dukes. Opting for the shorter short Lou was working on the premise that skin is the most waterproof breathable membrane on the planet, thus why cover it with lycra. Not quite how Menchov approaches his abuse of shorter shorts and passion for the budgie smugglers! But who am I to disagree with their reasoning both of them have their merits!
So the fantasy was there to behold, a night on the front and no attacks that I couldn't handle! It was wet, so we cut the ferry out and climbed over the back towards Houston with a drag race along the George, there was always only going to be one winner as both Pooley and I sat in and watched the legs.
A brief sighting of Schleck was reported on the George, riders sucking his wheel couldn't be identified but no doubt they will declare themselves in due course.
Voeckler and Hushovd stayed indoors playing on their turbos/spin bikes. Their loss!
Pooley was straight in there admiring Louise's daisy dukes. Opting for the shorter short Lou was working on the premise that skin is the most waterproof breathable membrane on the planet, thus why cover it with lycra. Not quite how Menchov approaches his abuse of shorter shorts and passion for the budgie smugglers! But who am I to disagree with their reasoning both of them have their merits!
So the fantasy was there to behold, a night on the front and no attacks that I couldn't handle! It was wet, so we cut the ferry out and climbed over the back towards Houston with a drag race along the George, there was always only going to be one winner as both Pooley and I sat in and watched the legs.
A brief sighting of Schleck was reported on the George, riders sucking his wheel couldn't be identified but no doubt they will declare themselves in due course.
Voeckler and Hushovd stayed indoors playing on their turbos/spin bikes. Their loss!
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
A.DUGAST - ridden by G3R.
Dugast are the industry leader in cyclocross tubulars, having been around in pole market position for years.
Dugast used to reflect it's founder - Monsieur Andre Dugast's little company in a shed, known amongst the pro cogniscienti and not many others. Famous (amongst those in the know at least) in Europe on both the road and the cross scene, the best riders would beat a path to his door for their handmade weapons of choice, a situation which remains unchanged even in todays sponsor obligated pro circuit. Brother Nys and his adversaries still pay for their own tubs, though probably at a discount as long as they do not upset 'Old Man' Richard Groenendaal who part owns the company now!

Andre Dugast in his workshop
The other owner, who bought the name and the moulds for the treads is Richard Nieuwhuis, one time and possibly still-time mechanic for the Dutch National Team and certainly Groenendaal's partner in crime on the Euro scene. The two Richards have modernised the business, keeping the look but upping the production numbers for a wider market. It seems to be widely acknowledged that the quality has gone down accordingly as production increased, but Dugast are still special and still a cut above anything out there.
The ranges:
The Heid's - the range topping elite Scottish racers tub of choice....

Typhoon - the classic tread pattern also used by Grifos. Suitable for most mixed courses.

Pipistrello - white diamond pattern for sandy, frozen or very dry courses. Old model had side knobs, new does without.

Rhino - knkown as a specialist mud tire primarily, though they work well on most other surfaces. Reduced clogging and great grip due to aggressive side knobs.

Flying Doctor - in Typhoon or Pipistrello versions. Softer white tread (than a normal Typhoon) but with a stiffer casing to allow lower pressures but higher speeds. Best on faster courses with less mud.
Start saving now!
Friday, 5 August 2011
Wasabi -WTF?
Not many things in life get better the smaller they get but we have a few in the peleton who are becoming small and strong, just like wasabi. These are our Ninja warriors or our wasabi riders; Voeckler and Cippo. Spurring each other on like two robins fighting over a worm they have steadily been dropping weight in some form of competition. Cippo to climb the Stelvio and Voeckler as he wants to inflict some pain on Schleck.
No POTP or Pozatto meant that there was going to be trouble from the off. Starting late at 6.05 13 of us took off. The Orange bike would have missed the off if we had been on time :-).
So Cooke, verging on a wasabi, Pooley, Voeckler, Cancellara, Schleck, Hincapie, Pic, Voigts, Cippo, Ullrich, English work shy hairy leg student boy, man on orange bike AKA David Lindsey or DL for short and young Mark.
Despite a poor forecast the sun was out. A brisk start saw Cippo hitting the front and then deciding the error of his ways and seeking a wheel. The ill advised move to the front of the peleton so early in the ride would put pay to his quest for world domination in the sprints, thus off he went to the back a full 10m after leading us out the car park. Schleck and Pooley took the front, the fastest mixed pair in the bunch. It set the tone for the evening! A gentle ride to the start of the Ferry saw a few new faces being a bit quite and hence the hand signals and shouts were few and far between, POTP where are you when we need you. Self policing has not reached the south as yet!
The gentle rise through Bishopton combined with the beautiful aroma from the Indian caused a few of the rouleurs to salivate and they sought salvation from their gels and bottles as they approached the ferry. A tail wind pushed the big boys to the front and Ullrich and Voigts hit the front on the descent to the ramp. Toys were getting thrown out the prams as Ullrich wound it up and dragged Voigts kicking and screaming up the ramp. Cancellera who was extolling the virtues of additional resistance and aerodynamic edge by running mudguards jumped to the front and lifted the level again. It felt like the final 100m of a flying lap rather than a 5 mile burn and we were already doing 34mph! The bunch reformed and normal sense prevailed until the rise after Finlayston. Young Schleck hit the front with a gentle bang. Not an in your face BANG, but more a graceful whimper, classy type of language, long and drawn out baaaaanggg as he accelerated up to cruising speed shredding the bunch. English work shy hairy leg student boy (EW) upped the pace and took his wheel. Voigts set up a camp 10m off acting as a base camp for those to come round him and bridge the gap. Cippo, Voeckler, EW and Schleck danced off into the sunset with one can only assume young Schleck taking the prize. Wasabi boy Voeckler attacked on the climb like a 5 year kid who had been sucking on an EPO lollipop all day and dropped the lot. Schleck was too busy tweeting and trying to sort out signing Cav after he heard about the demise of HTC to notice and he got dropped.
The water stop saw the bunch regroup only for Cancellara to put in an insane attack towards Kilmacolm. The recovery had been short lived. Not to be outdone Voigts dug deep in Kilmacolm, his home village, a privilege afforded to him by the bunch to massage his bald ego. Through and off and then an unsteady rumble towards Bridge of Weir due to the road surfaces.Voigt's bunny hop saw him clear a leaf and a twig.
The descent to the Houston roundabout was fraught with danger and we should agree to ride this in a single line and try and maintain a line, one for consideration POTP, or at most 2 abreast. The bunch worked together (sort of) along the George although there were a few work shy individuals in the bunch, EW and Mark need to learn to pop and not to suck. As the line approached Schleck made a break and took the tape again.....
Round the top and regroup for the sprint where Cippo pipped Ullrich to the line in the ultimate dual of the legends. Ullrich might of won if he hadn't stopped short of the line in order to attempt to snort it!!
Pozatto and Lance you were missed!
No POTP or Pozatto meant that there was going to be trouble from the off. Starting late at 6.05 13 of us took off. The Orange bike would have missed the off if we had been on time :-).
So Cooke, verging on a wasabi, Pooley, Voeckler, Cancellara, Schleck, Hincapie, Pic, Voigts, Cippo, Ullrich, English work shy hairy leg student boy, man on orange bike AKA David Lindsey or DL for short and young Mark.
Despite a poor forecast the sun was out. A brisk start saw Cippo hitting the front and then deciding the error of his ways and seeking a wheel. The ill advised move to the front of the peleton so early in the ride would put pay to his quest for world domination in the sprints, thus off he went to the back a full 10m after leading us out the car park. Schleck and Pooley took the front, the fastest mixed pair in the bunch. It set the tone for the evening! A gentle ride to the start of the Ferry saw a few new faces being a bit quite and hence the hand signals and shouts were few and far between, POTP where are you when we need you. Self policing has not reached the south as yet!
The gentle rise through Bishopton combined with the beautiful aroma from the Indian caused a few of the rouleurs to salivate and they sought salvation from their gels and bottles as they approached the ferry. A tail wind pushed the big boys to the front and Ullrich and Voigts hit the front on the descent to the ramp. Toys were getting thrown out the prams as Ullrich wound it up and dragged Voigts kicking and screaming up the ramp. Cancellera who was extolling the virtues of additional resistance and aerodynamic edge by running mudguards jumped to the front and lifted the level again. It felt like the final 100m of a flying lap rather than a 5 mile burn and we were already doing 34mph! The bunch reformed and normal sense prevailed until the rise after Finlayston. Young Schleck hit the front with a gentle bang. Not an in your face BANG, but more a graceful whimper, classy type of language, long and drawn out baaaaanggg as he accelerated up to cruising speed shredding the bunch. English work shy hairy leg student boy (EW) upped the pace and took his wheel. Voigts set up a camp 10m off acting as a base camp for those to come round him and bridge the gap. Cippo, Voeckler, EW and Schleck danced off into the sunset with one can only assume young Schleck taking the prize. Wasabi boy Voeckler attacked on the climb like a 5 year kid who had been sucking on an EPO lollipop all day and dropped the lot. Schleck was too busy tweeting and trying to sort out signing Cav after he heard about the demise of HTC to notice and he got dropped.
The water stop saw the bunch regroup only for Cancellara to put in an insane attack towards Kilmacolm. The recovery had been short lived. Not to be outdone Voigts dug deep in Kilmacolm, his home village, a privilege afforded to him by the bunch to massage his bald ego. Through and off and then an unsteady rumble towards Bridge of Weir due to the road surfaces.Voigt's bunny hop saw him clear a leaf and a twig.
The descent to the Houston roundabout was fraught with danger and we should agree to ride this in a single line and try and maintain a line, one for consideration POTP, or at most 2 abreast. The bunch worked together (sort of) along the George although there were a few work shy individuals in the bunch, EW and Mark need to learn to pop and not to suck. As the line approached Schleck made a break and took the tape again.....
Round the top and regroup for the sprint where Cippo pipped Ullrich to the line in the ultimate dual of the legends. Ullrich might of won if he hadn't stopped short of the line in order to attempt to snort it!!
Pozatto and Lance you were missed!
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Chaos theory
There is no place in our bunch for chaos. I have been reflecting on the ride over the weekend and how our bunch works. It works cause we have riders who care about each other but also about themselves. It might seem strict at times and even anal but without our rules and order it wouldn't function and the people that ride wouldn't ride together. The glue is the POTP and that's why he has that title.
A tiny difference in initial parameters will result in a completely different behavior of a complex system. So don't mess with it or try to change it.
The Uncertainty Principle prohibits accuracy. Therefore, the initial situation of a complex system can not be accurately determined, and the evolution of a complex system can therefore not be accurately predicted. So ride until you pop, someone may be stronger tonight than you. Be honest.
Complex systems often seek to settle in one specific situation. This situation may be static but that's the way we like it.
Thank you POTP.
A tiny difference in initial parameters will result in a completely different behavior of a complex system. So don't mess with it or try to change it.
The Uncertainty Principle prohibits accuracy. Therefore, the initial situation of a complex system can not be accurately determined, and the evolution of a complex system can therefore not be accurately predicted. So ride until you pop, someone may be stronger tonight than you. Be honest.
Complex systems often seek to settle in one specific situation. This situation may be static but that's the way we like it.
Thank you POTP.
Friday, 29 July 2011
TT Times
Results below:
Aileen Scott 25:17 (44 sec PB)
Emma Lamont 25:16 (30 sec PB)
Giancarlo Romano 23:48 - 1st ride
Stuart Reid 23:46
Robert Heron 23:40 (55 sec PB)
Ewan Mulhern 23:11 (16 sec PB)
Brian Skinner 22:43
Sian Tovey 22:29
Gordon Durnan 22:28 (PB??)
Graham Leitch 20:56 (12 sec PB)
Aileen Scott 25:17 (44 sec PB)
Emma Lamont 25:16 (30 sec PB)
Giancarlo Romano 23:48 - 1st ride
Stuart Reid 23:46
Robert Heron 23:40 (55 sec PB)
Ewan Mulhern 23:11 (16 sec PB)
Brian Skinner 22:43
Sian Tovey 22:29
Gordon Durnan 22:28 (PB??)
Graham Leitch 20:56 (12 sec PB)
Something to read. The short Q&A below made me laugh
This much I know: David Millar
The 34 -year-old cyclist on his "stupid sport", cheating with drugs and love at first sight
"When I was in prison a policeman gave me crisps and water and sat with me. That was the first time I really cried": David Millar. Photograph: Andy Hall for the Observer
Martin Love
I like my hands. Which is lucky as I have to spend all day looking at them on the handlebars.
I took EPO and cortisone. They work incredibly well. It's like having the best day you've ever had as an athlete – every day. But if you win you only feel relief. If you lose, you think: "I've just cheated for nothing."
My worst day was sitting with my sister on the steps outside the police station in Biarritz after I was arrested in 2004. I was world champion – and a doper. I sat there with everything – and I had nothing.
Our sport will always be dangerous. There is no way you can control 3,500km of racing. But we are professionals. We try not to take risks.
The first time I rode a bike I was four or five. I crashed into the back of a car.
At 18 I dreamed of being a cyclist.Saying you wanted to be a pro-cyclist then was embarrassing. It was such a novelty sport. It would be like a Frenchman saying he wanted to be a cricketer.
I rarely get angry. My wife would say she'd never seen me lose my temper.
I cry when people are nice to me.When I was in prison in Biarritz one of the policeman opened the door and gave me crisps and water and sat with me. That was the first time I really cried.
My worst habit is I always have to be the last man standing on a night out. I hate missing a party. But I am a lovely drunk. I'm gregarious. I'm a party boy.
My sister is the one person who has had the biggest influence on me.She's always looked after her older brother. She'll always pick up the pieces.
I shave my legs twice a week. It's hard the first time you do it. But I'm very lazy. For a team photo in December I just did the fronts.
After I was arrested I spent a day with a psychologist. He dissected my life and told me I was completely normal. That was a real eye-opener.
Most professional athletes marry young. Life is accelerated. You marry young, have kids young, divorce young. I married in my 30s. It was impossible for me to maintain a relationship in my 20s. I was difficult. But in a harmless way.
I spend six months a year on the road. My wife met me in the middle of my two-year drug ban. I told her what it would be like. She's a trooper, but she never comes to my races. I like to do my thing. It's work time.
Love at first sight isn't a myth. I've loved my wife since the day I first saw her.
The drug thing is just shitty. As a sport we are so far ahead of what the public thinks of us. We are in the vanguard of anti-doping. We've never been cleaner.
I'm happiest when I am at home in Gerona with my wife and my two dogs – a Hungarian Vizsla and a Parson's Terrier, a sort of long-legged Jack Russell.
Cycling is such a stupid sport. Next time you are in a car travelling at 40mph think about jumping out – naked. That's what it's like when we crash.
David Millar's autobiography Racing Through The Dark is published by Orion at £18.99
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Bikes and shit....
Someone is cleaning out their bike shed and wants to offer them at a very reasonable cost to club members...
1 Ridley Aluminium/Carbon Forks Winter Bike Full Ultegra Groupset/Mavic Aksium Wheels/ Size 57cm £500
1 Speacialized Globe Hybrid bike size medium only ridden 2/3 times £200
1 Flashpoint (Zipp) Deep Section Carbon Wheel (Front) with alu braking surface £50
Dura Ace Crankset 165mm with Look Keo Carbon Pedals £tbc
Contact Giancarlo for photos or to buy anything.... Fingers crossed I have attached the correct prices, best check before you make an offer :-).
1 Ridley Aluminium/Carbon Forks Winter Bike Full Ultegra Groupset/Mavic Aksium Wheels/ Size 57cm £500
1 Speacialized Globe Hybrid bike size medium only ridden 2/3 times £200
1 Flashpoint (Zipp) Deep Section Carbon Wheel (Front) with alu braking surface £50
Dura Ace Crankset 165mm with Look Keo Carbon Pedals £tbc
Contact Giancarlo for photos or to buy anything.... Fingers crossed I have attached the correct prices, best check before you make an offer :-).
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Anyone need a new TT bike?
Ok, so it's not the bike, but frame, seatpost, bars, saddle, deda newton 110mm stem and brake callipers. It's an XL tall, ridden all of 100 miles if it's lucky :-). 1 careful owner. Geometry etc @ http://www.parleecycles.com/tt/. Aerobars are HED Corsair http://www.hedwheels.com/proddetail.asp?prod=CORS.
Frame has a RRP of £3,000, bars £599, saddle £110, stem £65, brakes no idea :-) so circa £3,800 in total.
Any offers, or anyone know any tall riders...
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Moto GP
Some of you know Roddy who rides with us at Relentless and last weekend he had the pleasure of riding on the back of this at Silverstone!
180 mph on the back of one of these!
180 mph on the back of one of these!
Thursday, 9 June 2011
London Velodrome
Your chance to ride the London Velodrome!

Fancy going on the London Velodrome? For Hornby's new scalextric ad, they're looking for two men aged 30-40, two boys aged 16 and two boys aged 10-13.
To be eligbile you need to be available on Friday 17 June and hold a track accreditation.
To enter, please email alex.balzaretti@hornby.com with the below information by 10am on Monday 13th June.
- A picture of yourself
- Name
- Address
- Contact details (email and telephone no)
- Age and Date of Birth
- School details (for the youngsters) and chaperones name for the day
- British Cycling membership number
We will confirm successful entries by 5pm Monday 13th June. Travel expenses will also be covered.
Good luck!
Fancy going on the London Velodrome? For Hornby's new scalextric ad, they're looking for two men aged 30-40, two boys aged 16 and two boys aged 10-13.
To be eligbile you need to be available on Friday 17 June and hold a track accreditation.
To enter, please email alex.balzaretti@hornby.com with the below information by 10am on Monday 13th June.
- A picture of yourself
- Name
- Address
- Contact details (email and telephone no)
- Age and Date of Birth
- School details (for the youngsters) and chaperones name for the day
- British Cycling membership number
We will confirm successful entries by 5pm Monday 13th June. Travel expenses will also be covered.
Good luck!
8th June 2011
14! I mean really, 14 at the start and one trailing to the rear who caught up and made it 15! The last time I played with 15, well that was on grass and we were all the same sex...
Lance, Voigts, Schleck, Voeckler, Clancy, Pooley, Pic, Cooke, Hushovd, Menchov, Budgie boy, Davies (Emma), Cippolini, Mark and Retro boy.
Let's start with retro boy who caused a few injuries before the off. Conscious of his transgression towards the fashion faux pas he skulked into the car park Japanese fighter pilot style coming out the sun only to cause a sudden reaction, fighter pilot whiplash as riders did the double take to confirm that their eyes weren't deceiving them. He was indeed wearing the most ridiculous sun glasses they had ever seen! Period! Not quite as cool as these ones, but close!
Lance led us out from the car park and the rest of the bunch followed, save for Pooley who was caught with her knickers down. She missed the off and was chasing from the start as the bunch rolled towards the swing bridge. Voigts got a break in the traffic and Lance severely reprimanded him for being a bald twat and going off like some 18 year old teenager full of testosterone chasing a bit of skirt! Strangely Voigts seemed to take it as a compliment! His public apology is duly noted for this transgression to bunch etiquette.
So once they caught Voigts who was lighting up the west coast with those majestic quads of his the bunch rolled out towards Inchinnan and onto Bishopton. As the pace increased the hand signals and shouts decreased the riding became a little dangerous. Good communication makes us safe, let's work at it.
Down to the Ferry and the usual suspects were beginning to exhibit similar signs to Voigts as their enthusiasm began to grow in anticipation of the competition. A restrained arrival at the Ferry saw young Schleck hitting the front and dragging us up the climb onto the dual carriageway. Cooke was quickly into his wheel and then deciding it wasn't fast enough pulled out to up the pace again. The bunch was down to 14 by now and riders were beginning to get shelled. Through the Langbank roundabout and the bunch was still in double figures. The small climb towards Finlaystone saw a few riders dip into the red and the lines began to break up. Schleck pushed the button again and two lines became one as the WHEELSUCKERS appeared again.
Thor broke the pattern and allowed riders to pull through again until Voigts lifted the pace towards Woodhall. Finally a single figures bunch. It should never be double figures by Woodhall! Clancy, Lance, Schleck, Menchov, Voeckler, Retro boy, Hushovd and Voigts in the mix, with Voigts and Thor having a chat at the rear to discuss the forthcoming climb and inadvertently dropping off the back when Menchov attacked for the tape.
Cooke pulled through up the climb and starting catching the bunch. Menchov was spotted off the bike on the climb checking the tarmac. He hasn't seen it up close for a while so he just got off to say hello and while he was at it he thought he might as well tighten his rear skewer rather than rely on his own weight to hold it in! At the top of the Clune the goats had had their brew up as they waited for the Rouleurs and the ladies. Davies (looking happy) led us out towards Kilmacolm. Young Schleck was caught with his worry beads out and missed the start as he tried to put them away. The bunch drove out and up towards the Knapps and the elastic was already broken.
Schleck at the back and Pic, Davies, Voigt's with the peleton ahead. Hanging off the back Voigts was able to watch the bunch working together and moving as one, albeit quite slowly. Menchov looked a little uncertain of his new setup and sat off the back slightly. Cippo and Cooke dropped off on the Georgetown to join Voigts and Davies at the rear and the bunch pulled through towards the finish together.
As for what happened up front, then perhaps we will get a guest posting later on today. At the rear it was all smiles as it didn't rain!
Lance, Voigts, Schleck, Voeckler, Clancy, Pooley, Pic, Cooke, Hushovd, Menchov, Budgie boy, Davies (Emma), Cippolini, Mark and Retro boy.
Let's start with retro boy who caused a few injuries before the off. Conscious of his transgression towards the fashion faux pas he skulked into the car park Japanese fighter pilot style coming out the sun only to cause a sudden reaction, fighter pilot whiplash as riders did the double take to confirm that their eyes weren't deceiving them. He was indeed wearing the most ridiculous sun glasses they had ever seen! Period! Not quite as cool as these ones, but close!
Lance led us out from the car park and the rest of the bunch followed, save for Pooley who was caught with her knickers down. She missed the off and was chasing from the start as the bunch rolled towards the swing bridge. Voigts got a break in the traffic and Lance severely reprimanded him for being a bald twat and going off like some 18 year old teenager full of testosterone chasing a bit of skirt! Strangely Voigts seemed to take it as a compliment! His public apology is duly noted for this transgression to bunch etiquette.
So once they caught Voigts who was lighting up the west coast with those majestic quads of his the bunch rolled out towards Inchinnan and onto Bishopton. As the pace increased the hand signals and shouts decreased the riding became a little dangerous. Good communication makes us safe, let's work at it.
Down to the Ferry and the usual suspects were beginning to exhibit similar signs to Voigts as their enthusiasm began to grow in anticipation of the competition. A restrained arrival at the Ferry saw young Schleck hitting the front and dragging us up the climb onto the dual carriageway. Cooke was quickly into his wheel and then deciding it wasn't fast enough pulled out to up the pace again. The bunch was down to 14 by now and riders were beginning to get shelled. Through the Langbank roundabout and the bunch was still in double figures. The small climb towards Finlaystone saw a few riders dip into the red and the lines began to break up. Schleck pushed the button again and two lines became one as the WHEELSUCKERS appeared again.
Thor broke the pattern and allowed riders to pull through again until Voigts lifted the pace towards Woodhall. Finally a single figures bunch. It should never be double figures by Woodhall! Clancy, Lance, Schleck, Menchov, Voeckler, Retro boy, Hushovd and Voigts in the mix, with Voigts and Thor having a chat at the rear to discuss the forthcoming climb and inadvertently dropping off the back when Menchov attacked for the tape.
Cooke pulled through up the climb and starting catching the bunch. Menchov was spotted off the bike on the climb checking the tarmac. He hasn't seen it up close for a while so he just got off to say hello and while he was at it he thought he might as well tighten his rear skewer rather than rely on his own weight to hold it in! At the top of the Clune the goats had had their brew up as they waited for the Rouleurs and the ladies. Davies (looking happy) led us out towards Kilmacolm. Young Schleck was caught with his worry beads out and missed the start as he tried to put them away. The bunch drove out and up towards the Knapps and the elastic was already broken.
Schleck at the back and Pic, Davies, Voigt's with the peleton ahead. Hanging off the back Voigts was able to watch the bunch working together and moving as one, albeit quite slowly. Menchov looked a little uncertain of his new setup and sat off the back slightly. Cippo and Cooke dropped off on the Georgetown to join Voigts and Davies at the rear and the bunch pulled through towards the finish together.
As for what happened up front, then perhaps we will get a guest posting later on today. At the rear it was all smiles as it didn't rain!
Monday, 6 June 2011
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
That time again...
A chance for the riders of G3R to dust down their bling and head to the start line on the Westferry for a ride against the clock...
Wednesday 1st June 2011 - 1st rider off at 7pm, start list compiled at 6.45pm.
Is G3R really made up of the fastest riders, or just those willing to drop the most cash on their tools...
G (The fast one...)
Wednesday 1st June 2011 - 1st rider off at 7pm, start list compiled at 6.45pm.
Is G3R really made up of the fastest riders, or just those willing to drop the most cash on their tools...
G (The fast one...)
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Ground level report (guest journalist)
Thor, Pozatto, Brian (Ed Clancy???) marc, Euan, Emma, Aileen, Karen (who actually rode from Braehead!). Graeme was there but didn't appear until Kings Inch Rd. John drove in as we were leaving – I thought it was for his group but I think he was just late and Graeme went back to tow him round.
All worked well together in the rain on the West Ferry at about 29mph.
Thor, Pozatto, Clancy, Marc and Voeckler came off Woodhall roundabout together and worked as a 5. I had no idea if everyone was just keeping things together or whether no-one could go because the pace was too high! Voeckler upped it a wee bit and Thor was first out the back with Marc having to work to get round him. Not sure who got the tape but it was down to Voeckler, Clancy and Pozatto.
Only thing of note going up the Clune was Thor catching Pooley (who’d taken the short cut).
It was hard from Kilmacolm with it down to the 5 of us again pretty much straight away. It was a bit ragged as Thor jumped away on the wee climb past Knapps but that was only to get a head start as he thought he would get dropped. That didn’t work as he did get dropped just before BoW but Pozatto made them wait on him at the lights. Thor had resigned myself to a solo TT on the Georgetown and reeling them back in.
Georgetown was hard with Pozatto ensuring the 4 of us worked together to try to keep Voeckler in check. He made a break at the start of the Georgetown and we let him hang out for a bit, bringing him back slowly. He finally made another break on the last bend just before the dip on the M8 while Thor was on the front. Pozatto shouted to work as a 4 to bring him back but Thor was completely done and, at the same time as the shout, Thor tried one last dig to pull them as close as possible before popping… and he is now being likened to his brother!
As for the sprints…. It appears a week in the sun and 35,000feet of climbing has done Pozatto’s wheel sucking abilities no harm at all!
And please take note of Lance and Nicole’s absence. Their week in Thailand without bikes has made them soft!
All worked well together in the rain on the West Ferry at about 29mph.
Thor, Pozatto, Clancy, Marc and Voeckler came off Woodhall roundabout together and worked as a 5. I had no idea if everyone was just keeping things together or whether no-one could go because the pace was too high! Voeckler upped it a wee bit and Thor was first out the back with Marc having to work to get round him. Not sure who got the tape but it was down to Voeckler, Clancy and Pozatto.
Only thing of note going up the Clune was Thor catching Pooley (who’d taken the short cut).
It was hard from Kilmacolm with it down to the 5 of us again pretty much straight away. It was a bit ragged as Thor jumped away on the wee climb past Knapps but that was only to get a head start as he thought he would get dropped. That didn’t work as he did get dropped just before BoW but Pozatto made them wait on him at the lights. Thor had resigned myself to a solo TT on the Georgetown and reeling them back in.
Georgetown was hard with Pozatto ensuring the 4 of us worked together to try to keep Voeckler in check. He made a break at the start of the Georgetown and we let him hang out for a bit, bringing him back slowly. He finally made another break on the last bend just before the dip on the M8 while Thor was on the front. Pozatto shouted to work as a 4 to bring him back but Thor was completely done and, at the same time as the shout, Thor tried one last dig to pull them as close as possible before popping… and he is now being likened to his brother!
As for the sprints…. It appears a week in the sun and 35,000feet of climbing has done Pozatto’s wheel sucking abilities no harm at all!
And please take note of Lance and Nicole’s absence. Their week in Thailand without bikes has made them soft!
Biology or something akin to that......
A few well kent faces returned from their sojourn in sunnier climes to test the legs in the bunch. Voigts got stuck down south as a result of the ash cloud and had to partake in some retail therapy to dull the pain from missing the ride! He did however manage to charter an airplane to get home and then skip into a helicopter so he could follow the bunch Tour de France style.
What immediately struck him was the silhouettes that the riders cut, with one notable exception they were all the same. The exception - Pozatto, a head that looked like it could support it's own lunar system, he had returned.
He could make out Lance at the back directing traffic, passing orders, policing the bunch and then deciding he had had enough, tailing off the back. Perhaps reflecting on the summer ahead. Or perhaps he has a lot on his mind with all the rumours that abound about him in the media and press speculation about getting beaten by a man with two chins. What we all know is that whatever they are saying, we know his fondness of pigmy goats is purely platonic and that he is looking to use the pelt as a covering for his saddle on his new bespoke fixie...
The bunch looks a large amoeba from above, flexing the boundaries of the group pushing forward, absorbing riders back in by phagocytosis when the gaps appear but secreting the weak to the rear, as if by some form of organic digestion. What the bunch did seem to do was offer some brief asylum from the elements with the brave and strong at the front offering support to the weaker. The collective force of like minded individuals being greater than that of the individual as is generally the case in life.
The strong, Hushovd, Pozatto, Voeckler and Fabio (Fabio Felline - Young Mark) were working at manipulating the boundaries of the bunch as it ground forward. The first test of the night on the West Ferry left carnage behind with Voeckler returning to the form that earned him the nickname of the baby faced assassin. Pozatto demonstrating that his sojourn had done no harm and that the miles in his legs were now paying dividends. Talking of financial payback Hushovd was there in the mix! The boy is getting strong and has a delivery plan now allowing him to deliver over the entire ride. His commute home was however a step too far.
Dropping below the cloud cover and pushing into the wind the helicopter struggled to stay with the pack on their alpine climb of the Clune, Lance finding his legs once again, Fabio looking eager on the climb as usual and Thor grinding it out at a cadence that makes Pic jealous. The switch backs testing the pilots skills to the max did nothing to prepare him for the deadly descent that was about to take place. The fall from the Knapps to Bridge of Weir saw the amoeba succumb to gravity and thus the symbiotic relationships of the fellow riders finally broke and by some form of miraculous conception or perhaps even by mitosis we had two bunches.
The climb from Bridge of Weir tests the strong. To attack there takes courage, delivers pain for the roulers but levels the playing field for the climbers in the peleton. Voeckler attacked! The amoebas rolled and the strongest bunch of Voeckler, Hushovd, Pozatto and Fabio tested the theory of evolution. Searching for the weak! The camera captured the run in as the amoeba flexed. Pain=gap! It's easy to see from above. You don't need to see the eyes, hear the laboured breathing or feel the pain. It's a mathematic formula from above pain=gap! Everyone was in pain as Voeckler gapped them and took the tape on the George.
The sprints, well there really is only one bridesmaid isn't there.... No not Kate, keep it clean! Thor, he took both.
What immediately struck him was the silhouettes that the riders cut, with one notable exception they were all the same. The exception - Pozatto, a head that looked like it could support it's own lunar system, he had returned.
He could make out Lance at the back directing traffic, passing orders, policing the bunch and then deciding he had had enough, tailing off the back. Perhaps reflecting on the summer ahead. Or perhaps he has a lot on his mind with all the rumours that abound about him in the media and press speculation about getting beaten by a man with two chins. What we all know is that whatever they are saying, we know his fondness of pigmy goats is purely platonic and that he is looking to use the pelt as a covering for his saddle on his new bespoke fixie...
The bunch looks a large amoeba from above, flexing the boundaries of the group pushing forward, absorbing riders back in by phagocytosis when the gaps appear but secreting the weak to the rear, as if by some form of organic digestion. What the bunch did seem to do was offer some brief asylum from the elements with the brave and strong at the front offering support to the weaker. The collective force of like minded individuals being greater than that of the individual as is generally the case in life.
The strong, Hushovd, Pozatto, Voeckler and Fabio (Fabio Felline - Young Mark) were working at manipulating the boundaries of the bunch as it ground forward. The first test of the night on the West Ferry left carnage behind with Voeckler returning to the form that earned him the nickname of the baby faced assassin. Pozatto demonstrating that his sojourn had done no harm and that the miles in his legs were now paying dividends. Talking of financial payback Hushovd was there in the mix! The boy is getting strong and has a delivery plan now allowing him to deliver over the entire ride. His commute home was however a step too far.
Dropping below the cloud cover and pushing into the wind the helicopter struggled to stay with the pack on their alpine climb of the Clune, Lance finding his legs once again, Fabio looking eager on the climb as usual and Thor grinding it out at a cadence that makes Pic jealous. The switch backs testing the pilots skills to the max did nothing to prepare him for the deadly descent that was about to take place. The fall from the Knapps to Bridge of Weir saw the amoeba succumb to gravity and thus the symbiotic relationships of the fellow riders finally broke and by some form of miraculous conception or perhaps even by mitosis we had two bunches.
The climb from Bridge of Weir tests the strong. To attack there takes courage, delivers pain for the roulers but levels the playing field for the climbers in the peleton. Voeckler attacked! The amoebas rolled and the strongest bunch of Voeckler, Hushovd, Pozatto and Fabio tested the theory of evolution. Searching for the weak! The camera captured the run in as the amoeba flexed. Pain=gap! It's easy to see from above. You don't need to see the eyes, hear the laboured breathing or feel the pain. It's a mathematic formula from above pain=gap! Everyone was in pain as Voeckler gapped them and took the tape on the George.
The sprints, well there really is only one bridesmaid isn't there.... No not Kate, keep it clean! Thor, he took both.
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Wed 25th May
The hour approaches again. Seems only the other day we were out. Not too sure who is going to make it and if Lance will function after eating just lettuce. Ash may prevent play for me as I am stuck down south. Fingers crossed the train will get me home for the ride. Until tomorrow as they say.
Monday, 23 May 2011
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Wed 18th May 2011
Weather separates the men from the boys. Voeckler, Schleck, Lance, Cooke, big Thor, Voigts, young Mark and the budgie smuggler.
So as I was saying, weather and men. A tough wind was out to play along with the threat of rain. Only eight turning up. Schleck flew in especially for this from Mallorca and wasn't going to let the weather stop him. He posed the question when we would get a full cast out? Guess we need to wait for the better weather.
Whilst waiting for the off Budgie Smuggler got a twitch in his shorts. Must have been some seed on the ground as he decided to get a closer look with a slow motion fall. It was then we noticed a stig mark on the wrong leg! Seemed he had mounted the bike the wrong way earlier, Cooke was sure she heard him asking someone where his bars had gone....
Lance's chat focussed on restraint, no cross wheeling, (Schleck obviously mistook this for cross chaining and decided to try this all night), maintaining even gaps, a bit extra space what with the wind, and working smoothly together. Leading us out Schleck seemed to forget where he was briefly being on the wrong side of the road! Budgie Smuggler joined in this week and Lance was buffeted by the wind before we even left Braehead.
The out to Bishopton was slow, easy in the shelter and hard up front! The rain arrived on the rise out of Bishopton. Falling hard it felt like hail. Shelter was taken albeit briefly under the bridge that starts the 10 TT. The rumble down to the Westferry and onto the dual carriageway was controlled, Lance had a hold of Voigts bungee cord. The bunch stayed together and worked well for a while. Voeckler and Schleck obviously thought the pace was too slow and started to break it up. Cooke injected the final surge that started to hurt the peleton. Schleck fainting pain, young Mark still hanging on, Thor playing his cards close to his chest and most making it up to the final roundabout. The hammer dropped, testosterone started flying and the pace jumped. Voeckler, Schleck and Thor left to fight it out with Voigts bringing up the rear.
The clune brought it's usual fun and Lance danced up as if to make a point. Budgie boy tried to buzz Voigts but he wasn't having it. Taking him back at the final roundabout. Voeckler, Schleck, Lance and young Mark going after the KOM jersey.
With dark clouds approaching it was an immediate departure once Thor had arrived, faking cramp he took off like his younger sibling. With his two best friends with him, gravity and wind he drove us hard to Kilmacolm, the legs were heavy and the pace increased on the drop towards the Knapps. Schleck driving the bunch too hard and stringing it out. Only Voigts decided to test the young man's legs and drive upwards past the Knapps. Rounding the corner the string had snapped. Two riders free, Schleck and Voigts, could they stay away and work together or was it going to be the Schleck show all over again. Sharing the load to Bridge of Weir the lights afforded a brief interlude until Voigts jumped the lights. Schleck hit the front climbing the hill and immediately gapped him. A brief look over his shoulder and he hesitated and waited for his older partner. Whether the thought of the wind on his own was too much or that he wanted to make sure Voigts put in an honest nights work he kindly waited. The pair worked together, Schelck the stronger of the pair but Voigts able to come through and provide some shelter. Rounding the corner they eased off expecting the lights that Lance had warned them about. An old head slowing the head of the race, but alas they never appeared. Schleck let Voigts hit the front under the bridge and left hanging him out to dry as the finish line came into sight. Rumour has it he took a call to say what he wanted for dinner before he rode up alongside Voigts and congratulated him for his effort.
The bunch regrouped for the sprint. A long lead out from Voigts saw the battle of the big boys and Thor ground out a victory at 18mph on a 63 cadence. Riding home Hushovd and Voeckler vied for the final sprint with Thor taking the tape.
Fortune favours the brave, let's hope we get payback for riding on a night like that. Miles in the bank as they say. All safe and sound and some fun thrown into the mixing bowl. Not a bad way to end a Wednesday.
So as I was saying, weather and men. A tough wind was out to play along with the threat of rain. Only eight turning up. Schleck flew in especially for this from Mallorca and wasn't going to let the weather stop him. He posed the question when we would get a full cast out? Guess we need to wait for the better weather.
Whilst waiting for the off Budgie Smuggler got a twitch in his shorts. Must have been some seed on the ground as he decided to get a closer look with a slow motion fall. It was then we noticed a stig mark on the wrong leg! Seemed he had mounted the bike the wrong way earlier, Cooke was sure she heard him asking someone where his bars had gone....
Lance's chat focussed on restraint, no cross wheeling, (Schleck obviously mistook this for cross chaining and decided to try this all night), maintaining even gaps, a bit extra space what with the wind, and working smoothly together. Leading us out Schleck seemed to forget where he was briefly being on the wrong side of the road! Budgie Smuggler joined in this week and Lance was buffeted by the wind before we even left Braehead.
The out to Bishopton was slow, easy in the shelter and hard up front! The rain arrived on the rise out of Bishopton. Falling hard it felt like hail. Shelter was taken albeit briefly under the bridge that starts the 10 TT. The rumble down to the Westferry and onto the dual carriageway was controlled, Lance had a hold of Voigts bungee cord. The bunch stayed together and worked well for a while. Voeckler and Schleck obviously thought the pace was too slow and started to break it up. Cooke injected the final surge that started to hurt the peleton. Schleck fainting pain, young Mark still hanging on, Thor playing his cards close to his chest and most making it up to the final roundabout. The hammer dropped, testosterone started flying and the pace jumped. Voeckler, Schleck and Thor left to fight it out with Voigts bringing up the rear.
The clune brought it's usual fun and Lance danced up as if to make a point. Budgie boy tried to buzz Voigts but he wasn't having it. Taking him back at the final roundabout. Voeckler, Schleck, Lance and young Mark going after the KOM jersey.
With dark clouds approaching it was an immediate departure once Thor had arrived, faking cramp he took off like his younger sibling. With his two best friends with him, gravity and wind he drove us hard to Kilmacolm, the legs were heavy and the pace increased on the drop towards the Knapps. Schleck driving the bunch too hard and stringing it out. Only Voigts decided to test the young man's legs and drive upwards past the Knapps. Rounding the corner the string had snapped. Two riders free, Schleck and Voigts, could they stay away and work together or was it going to be the Schleck show all over again. Sharing the load to Bridge of Weir the lights afforded a brief interlude until Voigts jumped the lights. Schleck hit the front climbing the hill and immediately gapped him. A brief look over his shoulder and he hesitated and waited for his older partner. Whether the thought of the wind on his own was too much or that he wanted to make sure Voigts put in an honest nights work he kindly waited. The pair worked together, Schelck the stronger of the pair but Voigts able to come through and provide some shelter. Rounding the corner they eased off expecting the lights that Lance had warned them about. An old head slowing the head of the race, but alas they never appeared. Schleck let Voigts hit the front under the bridge and left hanging him out to dry as the finish line came into sight. Rumour has it he took a call to say what he wanted for dinner before he rode up alongside Voigts and congratulated him for his effort.
The bunch regrouped for the sprint. A long lead out from Voigts saw the battle of the big boys and Thor ground out a victory at 18mph on a 63 cadence. Riding home Hushovd and Voeckler vied for the final sprint with Thor taking the tape.
Fortune favours the brave, let's hope we get payback for riding on a night like that. Miles in the bank as they say. All safe and sound and some fun thrown into the mixing bowl. Not a bad way to end a Wednesday.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Wed 18th May so what's it going to be like tonight...
Looking forward to riding with my friends tonight. Forecast looks grim with a bit of rain and a nice strong headwind to contend with. Hope some of the Rouleurs turn up tonight to share the wind and that I don't end up behind a pin like Lance!
Must be getting reflective in my old age. Tonight's blog could go either way.
Heid/Pic, you will be missed tonight.
Must be getting reflective in my old age. Tonight's blog could go either way.
Heid/Pic, you will be missed tonight.
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Graham's nightmare
No it wasn't his recent 70.3 race in Mallorca, although we await for his race report to be posted on the blog. Composed on the bog - posted on the blog! I think that's the working title anyway....
As you know his sleep was a little deprived before he departed for sunnier climes, not quite to Cormac's extent, but this was partly because he was pumped having towed the group down Westferry at up to 34mph, but mostly because of frustration at the etiquette (LACK OF) on display last night!
I will let him explain in his own words....
"I have taken the time to find a link to a simple and concise description of a chaingang for anyone who is unclear as the what it is about....
The first point in the tips is the most important one. by all means attack, but half hearted attempts to cause a break will only break the rhythm of the group, and deter people from working through. And as such please note the following is NOT an acceptable interpretation:
Please note that this is a G3R ride. We are not road racers and we use this ride as a semi-structured training session i.e. we want a workout, and don't want to get stuck 4th wheel doing 100watts because people decide that they're really not that keen on hitting the front after all. Work through, or sit at the back. If you disagree with any of the above, feel free to go ride with any other group. The Renfrew bunch do the same route Tuesdays and Thursdays."
I was feeling the love.
As you know his sleep was a little deprived before he departed for sunnier climes, not quite to Cormac's extent, but this was partly because he was pumped having towed the group down Westferry at up to 34mph, but mostly because of frustration at the etiquette (LACK OF) on display last night!
I will let him explain in his own words....
"I have taken the time to find a link to a simple and concise description of a chaingang for anyone who is unclear as the what it is about....
The first point in the tips is the most important one. by all means attack, but half hearted attempts to cause a break will only break the rhythm of the group, and deter people from working through. And as such please note the following is NOT an acceptable interpretation:
- Ensure you are always sitting on a wheel and letting others do the work
- When you feel fresh and strong give all you have to ride to the front and create a gap between yourself and the group
- When, after 30 seconds, you burst (30 is probably generous) then let the group catch you and make sure you find a wheel to sit on
- Remain tucked up on a wheel until you feel recovered enough to repeat the above.
Please note that this is a G3R ride. We are not road racers and we use this ride as a semi-structured training session i.e. we want a workout, and don't want to get stuck 4th wheel doing 100watts because people decide that they're really not that keen on hitting the front after all. Work through, or sit at the back. If you disagree with any of the above, feel free to go ride with any other group. The Renfrew bunch do the same route Tuesdays and Thursdays."
I was feeling the love.
Wooden bike
I think this is one I have to add to the collection.
Anyone wanting one, circa £500 I think, should contact woodenbikeproject@gmail.com. The bike was designed and made by a group of students as part of their master's project.
Will get the G3R stickers on it!
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Wed 11th May - riding with honour
So summer had gone. Pozatto was off down south on a fashion shoot and shopping spree. Cooke was wielding the knife in the theatre; Macbeth, Schleck was off to language school and also to race sans decent wheels and Cippolini was still arguing with the UCI about what he could wear. Evans and Mechov were absent, in fact rumours abound that they have eloped (Mechov taking), Cancellara, well he was enjoying his other interest.... Hincapie was polishing his rocket no doubt, an "A" race beckons in Lanzarote. Pic had decided to test her cadence levels against the clock and we await details.
Lance gave us the pep. Quealey, Hushovd, Ullrich, Voigts, Voeckler, Lafferty (aka thief) all listened. Pooley joined late so missed the chat, so she will have to arrive for the 6pm depart to receive the wise words. Young Mark made a school boy error forgetting his cycling shoes. Mentally dress yourself from your feet up so you don't forget anything. That's your check. Don't do it again.
The rain was falling and the shouts in the main remained loud and clear. In the wind hand signals are needed and Lance reminded us of this.
A strong headwind meant it was tough from the beginning. The shelters within the bunch are getting less and less as the likes of Voeckler and Hushovd shed weight and inches. No big arses to hide behind!
Rolling onto the Westferry Lance kept us in check as we want him to, policing the bunch as our POTP. Voigts was obeying team orders for once, well at the beginning anyway and the work rate gradually increased along the Ferry. The new boy with the budgie smugglers sat off the back the entire way. He seemed to have taken some guidance from Menchov on acceptable cycling attire and had opted for something shorter than his standard Daisy Duke's!
The bunch thinned to Lance, Voigts, Voeckler, Hushovd and the thief as we approached Woodhall roundabout. An untimely increase in power by Voigts thinned it once again with Lance taking leave. Voeckler was caught napping as Hushovd stepped it up and dragged Voigts kicking and screaming along with the thief. The string snapped as Hushovd continued to apply the pressure and it was down to him and the baby faced pick pocket to fight it out. Hushovd showed his class and took the tape.
The feed zone allowed a brief rest before we dropped into Kilmacolm. Ullrich had popped something and attacked on the rise through Kilmacolm causing people to question their own tactics. Self doubt set in albeit briefly until the work ethic was restored. Through and off became the norm again as the rouleurs took advantage of gravity to drive the bunch towards Bridge of Weir. Lance and Ullrich were discussing old times as we approached Houston. Passion was evident from both.
Working evenly and honestly the string snapped again as Hushovd pulled the trigger. The thief continued in his wake stealing the shelter and following his wheel. Did he share, only Hushovd and he can answer. Who took the tape? Well that's for them to tell, but Hushovd has stepped up again!
Lance gave us the pep. Quealey, Hushovd, Ullrich, Voigts, Voeckler, Lafferty (aka thief) all listened. Pooley joined late so missed the chat, so she will have to arrive for the 6pm depart to receive the wise words. Young Mark made a school boy error forgetting his cycling shoes. Mentally dress yourself from your feet up so you don't forget anything. That's your check. Don't do it again.
The rain was falling and the shouts in the main remained loud and clear. In the wind hand signals are needed and Lance reminded us of this.
A strong headwind meant it was tough from the beginning. The shelters within the bunch are getting less and less as the likes of Voeckler and Hushovd shed weight and inches. No big arses to hide behind!
Rolling onto the Westferry Lance kept us in check as we want him to, policing the bunch as our POTP. Voigts was obeying team orders for once, well at the beginning anyway and the work rate gradually increased along the Ferry. The new boy with the budgie smugglers sat off the back the entire way. He seemed to have taken some guidance from Menchov on acceptable cycling attire and had opted for something shorter than his standard Daisy Duke's!
The bunch thinned to Lance, Voigts, Voeckler, Hushovd and the thief as we approached Woodhall roundabout. An untimely increase in power by Voigts thinned it once again with Lance taking leave. Voeckler was caught napping as Hushovd stepped it up and dragged Voigts kicking and screaming along with the thief. The string snapped as Hushovd continued to apply the pressure and it was down to him and the baby faced pick pocket to fight it out. Hushovd showed his class and took the tape.
The feed zone allowed a brief rest before we dropped into Kilmacolm. Ullrich had popped something and attacked on the rise through Kilmacolm causing people to question their own tactics. Self doubt set in albeit briefly until the work ethic was restored. Through and off became the norm again as the rouleurs took advantage of gravity to drive the bunch towards Bridge of Weir. Lance and Ullrich were discussing old times as we approached Houston. Passion was evident from both.
Working evenly and honestly the string snapped again as Hushovd pulled the trigger. The thief continued in his wake stealing the shelter and following his wheel. Did he share, only Hushovd and he can answer. Who took the tape? Well that's for them to tell, but Hushovd has stepped up again!
Thursday, 12 May 2011
To remind you...
The cast is as follows :-
Lance – old boy, bit mouthy, can be grumpy but occasionally shows his class – David Ogg – occasionally goes by the name of Johny (Frank’s dad).
Cippolini – flamboyant dress sense, always in the wheel but boy can he sprint – John Dargie.
Andy Schleck – younger brother of Frank, bit of a climber, naive but has come of age – Graham Leitch
Emma Pooley – tiny wee thing, does things by stealth, concentrating on cycling this year so could be dangerous – Karen Glendinning
Jan Ullrich – Fond of an off season diet but talented underneath it all, dedication over the winter means it may be his best season ever – Bruce Heron
Tina Pic - A cadence that's slower than the tick of a clock, all determination and experience our newest rider - Aileen Scott.
Hincappie – experienced and classy, eyes on retirement but he may have an Indian summer yet – Bruce Lees
Cadel Evans – anonymous a lot of the time – occasional brilliance if he turns up – Cormac MacCauley
Emma Davies – impressive palmarès, yet to be witnessed in the bunch – Emma Lamont
Nicole Cooke – undoubted winner on the road and a never say die attitude – Sian Tovey
Thor Hushovd – a big unit, class when he gets his frame shifting – Robert Heron
Pozatto – pretty boy of the bunch, all the newest shiny gear and with a preference for green - Gordon Durnan
Jason Queally – in his day one of the best riders on the track, living the dream again – Ian Churcher
Cancellara – sheer class on a bike, all power and undiluted adrenalin – Giancarlo Romano
Menchov – tall classy rider on his day, prone to having bambi like moments and a love affair with the tarmac – Stuart Reid
Jens Voigt – big unit, not that pretty to watch but effective – Brian Skinner
Thomas Voeckler – our own “petit blanc”" due to his small stature and pale complexion, famous for something once – he will have to remind us - Ewan Mulhern
Any other riders requiring a name?
Lance – old boy, bit mouthy, can be grumpy but occasionally shows his class – David Ogg – occasionally goes by the name of Johny (Frank’s dad).
Cippolini – flamboyant dress sense, always in the wheel but boy can he sprint – John Dargie.
Andy Schleck – younger brother of Frank, bit of a climber, naive but has come of age – Graham Leitch
Emma Pooley – tiny wee thing, does things by stealth, concentrating on cycling this year so could be dangerous – Karen Glendinning
Jan Ullrich – Fond of an off season diet but talented underneath it all, dedication over the winter means it may be his best season ever – Bruce Heron
Tina Pic - A cadence that's slower than the tick of a clock, all determination and experience our newest rider - Aileen Scott.
Hincappie – experienced and classy, eyes on retirement but he may have an Indian summer yet – Bruce Lees
Cadel Evans – anonymous a lot of the time – occasional brilliance if he turns up – Cormac MacCauley
Emma Davies – impressive palmarès, yet to be witnessed in the bunch – Emma Lamont
Nicole Cooke – undoubted winner on the road and a never say die attitude – Sian Tovey
Thor Hushovd – a big unit, class when he gets his frame shifting – Robert Heron
Pozatto – pretty boy of the bunch, all the newest shiny gear and with a preference for green - Gordon Durnan
Jason Queally – in his day one of the best riders on the track, living the dream again – Ian Churcher
Cancellara – sheer class on a bike, all power and undiluted adrenalin – Giancarlo Romano
Menchov – tall classy rider on his day, prone to having bambi like moments and a love affair with the tarmac – Stuart Reid
Jens Voigt – big unit, not that pretty to watch but effective – Brian Skinner
Thomas Voeckler – our own “petit blanc”" due to his small stature and pale complexion, famous for something once – he will have to remind us - Ewan Mulhern
Any other riders requiring a name?
Monday, 9 May 2011
Pies to die for.....
Ok, I have to share this with you. Some of you may already know about them and have been keeping them a secret from me. If so, shame on you!! This shop makes the best pies I have ever tasted. The vension one is out of this world. We will have them at our next posh cycling day at the end of the summer, but if you can't wait to try them then you can buy them online! Oh and that's not my crockery "by the way".
Hydration and the Bobble
We all know how important hydration is but I hate tap water. Found this and works perfectly. It's a water bottle that filters as you drink. Created by the Move Collective and designed by famed industrial designer Karim Rashid. Bobble improves the taste of water from your tap and gives an environmentally friendly replacement to single serve plastic water bottles. Sold online or in Harvey Nics if you are in Edinburgh and it comes in the right colours. Mine is pink!
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Wed 4th...a line in the sand
Take your turn on the front or Fuck off! Not quite politically correct but I think it conveys the message that the bunch wanted to put across.
Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. We like to ride well as a bunch. No accidents, look out for each other and respect the bunch. We choose to ride as a bunch because we trust and respect each other. Graham issued some rules let's try and follow them.
As it was it was another fabulous night. Lance had returned from his sojourn and our dedicated pro Graham was hurting the amateurs. Oh for the life of a pro rider. The ride out to the West Ferry was simple, through and off although a little fast. Aileen was half wheeling and causing Mark some pain as she wound the peleton up towards Bishopton. Looking left to the car park the open TT entrants were warming up, our own Cooke recording a 23.15 and Vandertoon not far behind with a mid 23.
A rumble down to the West Ferry and Voigts faked one of his usual attacks. All bluster with no substance.... A quad soon formed of Graham, Ewan, Crawford and Jens. Three working regularly with Jens taking the occasional rest what with being in his 5th decade now and age catching up on him. The run in to the end was fast and the trio broke away from Jens with Graham taking the tape.
Perversely the hill gave some rest bite and the group reconstituted at the top. An easy off from the top of the hill meant that Lance broke out his iPhone and was tweeting away until the peleton left Kilmacolm. Graham politely inviting riders through "take a fucking turn" yes please my good sir and the work started again. Lance attacked with vigour having found his legs again and drove us up the hill towards Houston. Jens attacked at the roundabout utilising his considerable mass in a game of momentum. Through and off was sporadic causing Graham to issue some more refined encouragement "come through or fuck off you bunch of lazy bastards". Quite how I found the oxygen to waste on a response surprised me. I confirmed that indeed my good man I was trying my best endeavouring to take a turn whilst on the rivet I think it came out thus "I am trying my fucking hardest". I am also at a loss as to what possessed me to try an attack 1,113 watts was my peak watts and I am certain it was the only time I dug like that last night. To be fair I only lasted 200m before the water collecting in the cheeks led me to conclude I was going to be sick. Find a wheel, find a wheel....Graham where are you when I need you. Salvation came in the form of Ewan towing G along. Through the S bends and G took the finish line again.
Boy has class in his legs.
Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. We like to ride well as a bunch. No accidents, look out for each other and respect the bunch. We choose to ride as a bunch because we trust and respect each other. Graham issued some rules let's try and follow them.
As it was it was another fabulous night. Lance had returned from his sojourn and our dedicated pro Graham was hurting the amateurs. Oh for the life of a pro rider. The ride out to the West Ferry was simple, through and off although a little fast. Aileen was half wheeling and causing Mark some pain as she wound the peleton up towards Bishopton. Looking left to the car park the open TT entrants were warming up, our own Cooke recording a 23.15 and Vandertoon not far behind with a mid 23.
A rumble down to the West Ferry and Voigts faked one of his usual attacks. All bluster with no substance.... A quad soon formed of Graham, Ewan, Crawford and Jens. Three working regularly with Jens taking the occasional rest what with being in his 5th decade now and age catching up on him. The run in to the end was fast and the trio broke away from Jens with Graham taking the tape.
Perversely the hill gave some rest bite and the group reconstituted at the top. An easy off from the top of the hill meant that Lance broke out his iPhone and was tweeting away until the peleton left Kilmacolm. Graham politely inviting riders through "take a fucking turn" yes please my good sir and the work started again. Lance attacked with vigour having found his legs again and drove us up the hill towards Houston. Jens attacked at the roundabout utilising his considerable mass in a game of momentum. Through and off was sporadic causing Graham to issue some more refined encouragement "come through or fuck off you bunch of lazy bastards". Quite how I found the oxygen to waste on a response surprised me. I confirmed that indeed my good man I was trying my best endeavouring to take a turn whilst on the rivet I think it came out thus "I am trying my fucking hardest". I am also at a loss as to what possessed me to try an attack 1,113 watts was my peak watts and I am certain it was the only time I dug like that last night. To be fair I only lasted 200m before the water collecting in the cheeks led me to conclude I was going to be sick. Find a wheel, find a wheel....Graham where are you when I need you. Salvation came in the form of Ewan towing G along. Through the S bends and G took the finish line again.
Boy has class in his legs.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Well that was a blast last night. JD has posted the results on his website. The Heid won in terms of the G3R bunch with Brian Lafferty taking top spot. If you do the maths it should be easy to ride a sub 23 min TT. All you have to do is ride for 10 miles at an avg of 26mph. We have all seen the numbers but only The Heid managed it. Interesting that I couldn't hold that speed for 10 miles. Fingers crossed for the same conditions on the 1st of June. Oh and Jim Cusick did a 21.13. Gives you something to aim at!
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Monday, 18 April 2011
Ride No. 2
With a head wind blowing six turned out for ride No.2. Voeckler, Lance, Pozatto, Nibali, Cooke, plus the new girl Tina Pic (née Mayolo) (Aileen - that's you) who was definitely riding as Pozatto's domestique. They rolled out along the road heading for the Westferry and whilst the sun might have been out the wind was not playing the game as the gusts were nasty. The group then hit the Westferry and the fun started. Pozatto was first to go then Pic, she was feeling sorry for her team leader. Pozatto was just not looking his usually self out on his winter stead. Summer bike next week Pozatto. Cooke was on fire showing how she won the time trial last week. But further down the Westferry it was down to three, Voeckler, Lance and Nibali as Cooke dropped off the pace as the wind was relentless. The pace kept going up until the three reached the end with Nibali putting hard efforts in, and also up the climb. By the top it was Lance followed by Voeckler and Nibali dropped off the pace hardly able to protest enough that he was saving himself for Sundays race.
The group set off again and first off were Pozatto and Pic. The bunch concurred that Pic showed a huge amount of potential. She later reported how much fun she had. The four stayed together till the Georgetown. First off was Cooke who is riding too dam well, Lance and the group will have to watch out. Then 3 were left flying, Voeckler made a mistake while Nibali and Lance attacked each other and the gap opened but could not get back on, while experience paid off for Lance as he got the break on Nibali. Both riding strong so its going to make for an interesting ride as the group gets bigger.
Post ride, Cooke said it was a course recorded for her. It was a storming ride by all. Pic said "she was on top of Pozatto that night" while she was definitely Pozzatto domestique let’s hope he eats something and brings a summer bike so he is back on form for ride No.3 or Pic may have her own domestique!
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
It only took a minute......
It did really and it was relatively painless. £26 was all it cost to put my name on a start sheet for a triathlon....
20th March 2011 - The Lake APR
Anyone fancy this?
The Lake APR is one of the traditional early season events, held on a circuit based around two laps of Scotland's only Lake (the Lake of Menteith). This year they are repeating the ladies race, the Lake APR "Feminine" for up to 30 riders. The Lake APR (Australian Pursuit Race) is a handicapped event, riders will be placed according to ability.
Entry is £15. There is an 80 rider field for the men and a 30 rider field for the women. You must have a British Cycling race licence (or suitable British Cycling membership) to ride these events is required, classified as Regional C under British Cycling rules.
The Lake APR is one of the traditional early season events, held on a circuit based around two laps of Scotland's only Lake (the Lake of Menteith). This year they are repeating the ladies race, the Lake APR "Feminine" for up to 30 riders. The Lake APR (Australian Pursuit Race) is a handicapped event, riders will be placed according to ability.
Entry is £15. There is an 80 rider field for the men and a 30 rider field for the women. You must have a British Cycling race licence (or suitable British Cycling membership) to ride these events is required, classified as Regional C under British Cycling rules.
Monday, 7 February 2011
Monday, 31 January 2011
You have got to get one or two of these....
I say 2 as once you get one you won't leave home without it, so you need a change or perhaps get the bundle :-).
Just lovely http://www.rapha.cc/vneck-base-layer £50 each or £125 for 3.
Just lovely http://www.rapha.cc/vneck-base-layer £50 each or £125 for 3.
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