Thursday, 3 December 2009

Good Luck Sian @ Ironman Australia

As many of you know Sian is in Australia at Ironman "The Race Down Under" racing on Dec 5th. Racing Ironman for the second time this year you can follow her on with a bib number of 1170.

From all at the club you have our best wishes and our thoughts will be with you as you race. 

I always remember getting a text from someone the night before my first Ironman race that said "Free your mind and your ass will follow".  He was right, in the only thing that restricts a lot of us is our mind, it limits our dreams and potential.

I also know there is a lot going on for a lot of people in my life at the moment some who read this, some who don't, but my thoughts are with them.  Many are achieving greats things and some dealing with the hardest things they have ever encountered to date.  Ironman/racing/training becomes the focus for many of us so we can face the other challenges but one day alone can make or break a dream that has taken an age to build. Stay strong and you will get that dream!

With what happened to Lee Vernett falling off her bike and having to get skin grafts and other facing health scares, it brings sharply into focus that we should all live for the moment, exploit each day to the maximum and give the best that we can give in everything we do in every moment of our life. It is like always doing what you are afraid to do, don't be rash, be calculated, but challenge yourself.  As someone once said life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Go have the best fun you can. 

Rock the course Sian and smack some Aussie tarmac for us on the run.

Go the G3R!!

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