Wednesday, 24 February 2010

I went for a run the other day...

I don't know if you saw my posting on twitter, but it was the first time for years that I felt I was running.  I define the term running as moving faster than a walk.  Now I walk slow, so my running, well, that ain't much faster but last week I got this momentum thing going.  I mean when I run down a hill my heels act as brakes, good brakes at that, like heel strike=judder right through me, heel strike=judder right through me. You get the idea, but I don't know what happened, perhaps I leant forward a bit, perhaps I was getting fitter but I started falling forwards and using the energy/momentum to maintain speed. It was almost enjoyable until I reached the bottom of the hill that was....  But the purpose of this bio-mechanical bit was to lead you towards my rambling thoughts of how I could compare myself to a dessert, as in sweet, not desert as in Sahara. Perhaps a stage too far for my mind, blame it on oxygen deprivation if you will, perhaps induced from my vast speed, but I got to running through desserts and which one would describe me best. Why?? Well it took my mind off the run for a while anyway.  After much thought, about 73 mins I ended up at a Lemon Meringue Pie, that hard base symbolising my skeletal structure, with the lemon being comparable to my muscle and then on top a copious amount of meringue perhaps representing my insulation, all nicely baked off on top.

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