Thursday, 22 April 2010

I think I found love tonight :-)

Kev Clark I love you!! XX. I have never believed in it before but it was love at first sight or should I say first sound bite.

Let me explain what happened. I was nervous tonight, for reasons that will become apparent later. A little giddy and there I was at the back of the bunch rolling down to the Ferry when Kev rolled to the back sat up and took a photo of me. Strange I thought, but hey it happens all the time to celebreties, I even saw it happen once to Robert in Edinburgh (see my photos on Flickr). So I thought I better roll up and speak to the "stalker" 
and it was then that he uttered the magic words. They caught me off guard at first, I had to run them through my head a couple of times before a smile broke out across my face. Those words will stay with me for a long time and all I can say is Kev Clark I love you!!! You made my night, my day and even my year. As I rolled up next to him he said and I quote "I thought you were Gordon". Now I know I fasted today but good grief could I get a better compliment about my rapid weight loss.

Alas my weight loss was a result of my stupidity today, leaving my wallet at home whilst I headed to Aberdeen.  Luckily I had a full tank of diesel but no money=no food. I sucked wheels for the second week and thank you all.

What was it like at the front? Only others can truly comment and may wish to add their comments below in the comments section, but it seemed better tonight. Everyone seemed to behave from what I saw on the Ferry. Schelck had given his bike some tlc, Lance was back to himself, Pozatto needs some carbon and a word in his sponsors ear if he is to hold the bunch. Cancellara was tired after his recent wins. Vino worked well with Voigts having been caught at the back on the descent into Kilmacolm. Cooke was pulling strong again and Voeckler continues to improve. Young Roche rode strong again but once again the lack of attention to equipment caught another out as Roche slipped his pedal in the final sprint and didn't have a chance of competing. My lover lead Pozatto and Voigts out but steel flexes way too much and 1400 watts trumps flexi steel. It was a shallow victory and Voigts shouldn't really have contested it having not been at the tape at the end of the George.

No one has blown it apart yet but I fear the time is coming.....

Hincappie where were you? Your club needs you!


  1. A lot of guys got chicked last night, myself included. We should all be ashamed (and secretly hatch a plan to drop her!)

  2. You should only be ashamed if your not man enough to know you were defeated by a better athlete.

  3. Fair point Mz Anonymous. Hope to see you out there next week :oP
