Wednesday 3 August 2011

Chaos theory

There is no place in our bunch for chaos. I have been reflecting on the ride over the weekend and how our bunch works. It works cause we have riders who care about each other but also about themselves. It might seem strict at times and even anal but without our rules and order it wouldn't function and the people that ride wouldn't ride together. The glue is the POTP and that's why he has that title.

A tiny difference in initial parameters will result in a completely different behavior of a complex system. So don't mess with it or try to change it.

The Uncertainty Principle prohibits accuracy. Therefore, the initial situation of a complex system can not be accurately determined, and the evolution of a complex system can therefore not be accurately predicted. So ride until you pop, someone may be stronger tonight than you. Be honest.

Complex systems often seek to settle in one specific situation. This situation may be static but that's the way we like it.

Thank you POTP.

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