
So we had 2 teams in the race, G3R and 4GR. Roddy Proudfoot ex colleague of mine, with David and I in the trio (G3R) and Robert, Paul, Giancarlo and Bruce in the quad (4GR). The course and setting were fantastic and the views superb. Thanks to David and Robert for providing the tent and Roddy for the additional disposable cover (his girlfriend got it as a present and it broke, it was the first time out the box)! The day got off to a good start with Paul and Roddy leading the teams off. Thereafter we settled into a lap on, lap off for each member until darkness set in. The mood at the camp was good although there were a few anal cyclists in the teams who obviously have a fetish about clean bikes! A little too much I sense :-). The first lap for most went smoothly and the first bbq went down well. Giancarlo arrived back with a squint nose and grazed cheek after one lap but was still going well. Robert took a tumble and twisted his knee and Paul had a few scrapes. I managed a creative dismount over the bars only to land on my feet with Bruce viewing the entire thing and giving me an 8/10 for style. The flapping arms dropped me 2 points I understand as I tried to defy gravity and fly! As night arrived a few of the members tried to ride by the force and Giancarlo and I were caught by dusk on our final day light lap. As for the others without lights, it was your own fault! Night time was a little less social and 2 laps on, 2 off as the geared quad began to slow. David and I on singlespeeds didn't need to wash our bikes and Roddy was keeping his end of the bargain and not failing us on his geared full suspension bike! The night wasn't kind and the rain was heavy for those out. As morning broke both the teams were still riding and I was on my final stint and for the second lap was joined by Bruce and was duly dropped as he sped away on the downhills with his gears and suspension! When I returned the quad had finished. Roddy and David managed a final lap for the trio and then it was over! The results aren't out yet and there are plenty of photos. One or two deserve a posting in there own right to explain why we have so many of Bruce eating....... or even me in my dandy gentleman's cap! Perhaps I will get to that later as well.

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